На допомогу учневі

Тестові завдання для самоконтолю учнів 8 класу
I. Complete the sentences with the words an education, a technology, national, primary, secondary, typical, to take an exam
  1.   British children should take ________ exams at the age of 16.
  2.   In year 11 they take General Certificate in Secondary  ________________ exams that are called GCSE in short.
  3.  At thirteen British children can choose different subjects and Information __________ among them.
  4.   Every ________ ____ British  school has got a Gymnasium and an Assembly Hall.
  5.  British children go to a _________________  school until they are 11.
  6.   In most _____________ schools schoolchildren have to wear uniforms.
  7.   If British schoolchildren are going to study at the University they should ___________ two or more “A” level _____________s after their GCSEs.

II. Change into reported speech
1.       “I don’t like watching TV”.
He says _______________________________
2.       “Your music is  too  loud”.
Her mum said _____________________________
3.       “My favourite drink is orange juice”.
Peter says _______________________
4.       “I like collecting stamps”.
She said ___________________________________
5.       “Saturday is the best day of the week”.
Mary thinks ___________________________________________

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